You know Avery is sick when she would rather lay on my chest than go to gymnastics. She seems to be having these huge swings from feeling great to being miserable. Poor baby, she is sneezy and coughing. Every thing is still clear so fingers crossed that it's just allergies. I asked her if she wanted to go to gymnastics and she actually told me "no" that she just wanted to sit on my lap instead. I have also created a monster when it comes to medications...let me say I am so thankful that she takes medications willingly with out fighting me but that also means as soon as she coughs, sneezes, or feels like she might do any of thsoe things then she wants medication!!
We have also entered into a new phase that Ricky and I aren't liking very much! Avery is really testing her feelings and trying to figure them all out...sounds great right.....WRONG...this leads to swings between highs and lows. One minute we are really happy and the next minute we are running out of the room slamming the doors saying something about how mean one of her parents is. If you get onto her about something then she runs off and gets upset, then she comes back in and asks if you are happy or sad.
We have been through some fun stages but this one might just be the end of us all!!!
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