I went to Avery's ARD today. She is going to start speech 2 times per week for an hour each time. There are concerns over several areas of her speech and what we are able to understand. She has 3 main goals for the next year, then we will evaluate and see what the plans are after that. The speech pathologist seems to think she could be in the program until she starts kindy but her current therapist feels like if she actually gets motivated and starts putting in the effort she could be done much sooner than that.
Avery had speech with Lee today. Next week is the last time we will have speech at our house, and as I have said before Lee has become a part of our family and we will really miss her alot. Avery didn't really put much effort into speech today but she had a good time playing with Lee.
After that we rushed to gymnastics. I'm not sure who planned gymnastics at 5:30pm after 4:00 speech but we made it! Avery worked really hard at the gym today. Her coaches worked on teaching her how to kick into a full handstand from a donkey kick.
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