All in all Avery had a great day. Even thought she had to spend 3 hours at the doctor's office today. She was so funny when she woke up this morning. I was sitting in bed with her and was singing happy birthday she got a very excited look on her face and then asked "I be three again today?" This is the first year she has really grasped the concept of her birthday and getting a year older. With having her party on Saturday we tried to explain she would be three on her birthday (today) and not this past weekend (at her party.) Needless to say we spent the rest of the day assuring her that yes she is three again today.
Avery decided to wear her princess outfit again today, and she rocked it out!!
Avery was already scheduled for her three year well check today but they had to do more checking to get her referral for the urologist. Luckly there is one in town that specializes in renal and urology so we are waiting for our appointment to be scheduled. She was such a trooper, I would have run screaming from the room after being cooped up for that long but she managed to entertain herself the whole time. Granted a lot of her entertainment came from the fact that they had her get into a paper gown that was huge...but she had a good time with it!!
We also had gymnastics today so we decided to take cupcakes to her friends in her class. Gymnastics went okay, she had a couple of lapses of attention and had a hard time focusing but she had a really busy day. She had a really great time sharing with her friends. It was so cute to see her take the cupcakes in to the gym as she says "Friends you want to share cupcakes with me?" So precious!!
After finishing gymnastics we went to grandma and grandpa's house for yet another birithday celebration. Avery is very good at blowing out the candles on birthday cakes...or in tonights case brownies.
It has been such a great day. Our miracle baby is another year older and it seems like just yesterday that she was placed in our arms for the first time. I can't believe I have a three year old, and I can only look forward to all the exciting times to come!!
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