And a Shrek golf game...too much fun!!!
Not too much later was the meeting with the dietician and speech therapist. The dietician said Avery seems to be doing pretty well and she is still on her curve for height and weight. She's right around the 50% so that's actually an improvment for her! She has hit a little growth spurt and she's finally up to the 50% for height. She was almost 35 inchecs and almost 29.5 pounds. We are supposed to add a multi vitamin that includes iron to see if that will help with the being tired all the time and the sudden bruising that has started showing up on her legs.
Speech went great. Avery did really well and she and Lee didn't have to fight at all! Lee has become like a part of our family and we are really going to miss her in a few weeks when Avery makes the big switch to the big school! Avery is still working on her sounds but she is doing much better. She knows the routine and can make most of the sounds they have worked on when she wants too but we all know how stubborn she can me (not sure where that came from...must be the Martinez side of the family)
Lee was getting ready to leave and was actually going to be easy on Avery and not give her "homework" but Avery asked her where it was. Her homework for the week is to work on saying full sentences like :"I want red." "It is on my head." etc. They all end with the "d" sound that she has been working on.
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