Wednesday, December 30, 2009
New idea to come
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Feeling better
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Double ear infection and the flu...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 sick!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Not much new...
Friday, October 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
"I be three again today?"
Monday, September 28, 2009
Another day another set of "lasts"
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Birthday Party
Saturday, September 26, 2009
More questions than answers
We got to the hospital for testing (that was supposed to confirm the diagnosis the doctor gave us on Wed.) Apparently all of Avery's labs were 180 degrees different from what they have been in the past. We were there for over 2 hours and walked out knowing nothing. The endo has no idea why during the water deprivation test Avery continued to use the restroom but she no longer thinks that it is diabetes insipidus. UGH! So frustrating. When we left the doctors office on Wed she was 98% sure this is what she had, she even gave us the prescription to go and get filled because she knew we were going to need it. (Luckly we didn't open the medication so the doctor is going to buy it back from us so we don't have to waste that money.) So when asked why Avery was still drinking all the time and going to the restroom even more the medical diagnoisis.....STRESS! Seriously! I couldn't make that up if I tried!!! What in the world can a 3 year old seriously be stressed about? I could almost understand if her routine had changed even a little but it hasn't, it's the exact same as it has been for what seems like forever....much longer than 3-6 months. I have figured out "stress" must be the new buzz diagnois when doctors don't know the real answers.
So now what? That's what my question was too. Why even when Avery doesn't drink does she still go to the restroom all the time. No one seems to know. So now we have to go back to the primary care and get new referals (thank you HMO). Since we have already spent so much money and no one seems to think there is anything too serious (hince the reason we have to go back to get new referlas) we are going to wait to get them until Avery's 3 year check up on Tuesday. Next referals will be to the renal doctor to look at kidneys and liver and a urologist to check her bladder. Maybe someone some where will be able to give us some kind of real answers.
I'll post about Avery's birthday party tomorrow but there are pictures on Facebook if interested!!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Doctor anyone?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Busy, busy day!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Beating mommy at memory.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
After the game we went back to grandma and grandpa's house. I took the time to snap some pictures of Avery...not that I really need an excuse I'm always snapping pictures of her, but this time she kind of cooperated with me!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Battle with the bed
We all headed to Becca and Brandon's for the TTU/UT game, it was so much fun! Brandon cooked and it was delicious, I think I managed to gain all the weight I have lost back tonight. Lots of yelling and screaming, Avery got a chance to play with Yaya (Sarah) and a couple other kiddos. We are all exhuasted and ready to pass out but today was a really great day!!
Just one more picture from today, because I think it's really cute! (Not that I'm biased)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Anything you can do...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Speech, a dietician and a birthday present??
And a Shrek golf game...too much fun!!!
Not too much later was the meeting with the dietician and speech therapist. The dietician said Avery seems to be doing pretty well and she is still on her curve for height and weight. She's right around the 50% so that's actually an improvment for her! She has hit a little growth spurt and she's finally up to the 50% for height. She was almost 35 inchecs and almost 29.5 pounds. We are supposed to add a multi vitamin that includes iron to see if that will help with the being tired all the time and the sudden bruising that has started showing up on her legs.
Speech went great. Avery did really well and she and Lee didn't have to fight at all! Lee has become like a part of our family and we are really going to miss her in a few weeks when Avery makes the big switch to the big school! Avery is still working on her sounds but she is doing much better. She knows the routine and can make most of the sounds they have worked on when she wants too but we all know how stubborn she can me (not sure where that came from...must be the Martinez side of the family)
Lee was getting ready to leave and was actually going to be easy on Avery and not give her "homework" but Avery asked her where it was. Her homework for the week is to work on saying full sentences like :"I want red." "It is on my head." etc. They all end with the "d" sound that she has been working on.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
"I forgot my baby sister"
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Starting out
There are lots of changes that are about to happen through out the next couple of months in Avery's routine. For the past several months she has had speech therapy at our house one on one and it has been wonderful. She is about to bump out of the ECI program and into the 3-5 year old program meaning she will start going to speech twice a week at the early childhood school close to our house. She has also bumped into the next group for her gymnastics and while she is doing well it has lead to lots of changes.
We are still waiting to get into the specialist to see if they can let us know what is going on with Miss Priss but she seems to be adapting to everything and taking it in stride.
I am going to try and up date daily in the evenings so we'll see how it goes!!