Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New idea to come

So I have seriously neglected blogging. I thought it wasn't going to be too bad but I found that I had a hard time telling everyone about what was going on around here on a daily I have a new idea. I am always hearing and seeing about 365 photo ideas so Doodle's world is going to become host to the 365 photo page. Not sure what the pictures will be of but there will be one everyday. Can't promise I will comment about all of them but it should be interesting to see how it goes!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Feeling better

Avery is feeling much better! I'm still not sure about the flu diagnosis but whatever has been going on seems to be gone!
She has also been talking a lot more. Now I'm not sure this is such a good thing. This morning she climbed into bed with Ricky and I, she turned to her daddy and told him he needed a haircut! When he asked her if he could grow his hair long like hers she told him "no because you have daddy hair!"
Saturday night she got on to her grandpa too, no one is safe from the new found words Avery can say!! He thought she was finished with her drink so he finished if for her. As you can guess it didn't go well when she found out. It included her pointing her finger at him and saying "you hear me?"
Tomorrow starts a new week. We changed her time for speech so she is going in the morning, her teachers and I agreed that she would probably do better with the morning class that has a couple of other little girls in it. We'll see how it goes!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Double ear infection and the flu...

We spent a couple of hours at the doctors office yesterday because Avery was still running a fever and the child NEVER runs a fever! We were giving her Motrin every 4-6 hours and it still wasn't helping, plus her coughing was terrible and I was worried it would start getting into lungs and causing issues.
We walked out of the office knowing that she had a double ear infection and they sent tests for strep and flu out just in case. Avery's doc decided to go ahead and treat the ear infections just in case they were the causing the fever, and if she had strep we would already have meds in place to take care of it.
Got a call today that her flu test came back positive. They are sending it out to test for H1N1 just to try and track it...but it isn't going to change anything we are doing. The big things for her are to monitor and make sure she stays hydrated and to monitor her fever. There is a slight concern because of the other medical issues we have been dealing with that we still haven't nailed down but we are just keeping close tabs on her. I'm so glad now that my training this week was canceled so I can stay home with her!!
She seems to be feeling a little better today. She still coughs alot and ends up making herself gag because of the draining but we are making it.
Still not sure where she picked it up, could be from Nicole's kids, she had one that was sick right around Avery's birthday then the rest seemed to get sick one after another that week. Or it could have been from all the coughing, sneezing kids in the lobby of the doctor's office (that weren't supposed to be there) when she went in for her well check. If her insurance hadn't mandated I take her I would have rescheduled it. She has had a great time cuddling with mommy and I can't lie I have loved cuddling with her too!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 sick!!

You know Avery is sick when she would rather lay on my chest than go to gymnastics. She seems to be having these huge swings from feeling great to being miserable. Poor baby, she is sneezy and coughing. Every thing is still clear so fingers crossed that it's just allergies. I asked her if she wanted to go to gymnastics and she actually told me "no" that she just wanted to sit on my lap instead. I have also created a monster when it comes to medications...let me say I am so thankful that she takes medications willingly with out fighting me but that also means as soon as she coughs, sneezes, or feels like she might do any of thsoe things then she wants medication!!
We have also entered into a new phase that Ricky and I aren't liking very much! Avery is really testing her feelings and trying to figure them all out...sounds great right.....WRONG...this leads to swings between highs and lows. One minute we are really happy and the next minute we are running out of the room slamming the doors saying something about how mean one of her parents is. If you get onto her about something then she runs off and gets upset, then she comes back in and asks if you are happy or sad.
We have been through some fun stages but this one might just be the end of us all!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Not much new...

There isn't much going on around here. We are in a holding pattern of sorts. Next big doctors appt isn't until the 22nd of this month. She starts speech tomorrow at her "big school" and I'm really bummed that I can't be there. I have training all week so I'm going to miss out, I'm sure she will do fine and she will have a lot to tell me about.
Avery seems to have allergies like her parents. She has had a runny nose and sneezes. I'm hoping the medication will help her kick it quickly. Her doctor did mention at her well check that she had fluid that was starting to build behind her ears so that's not good...that means we could be looking at another ear infection (we hoped we would be past them by now!)

Friday, October 2, 2009


Avery seems to be coming down with something...well actually she seems to have come down with something. Nicole missed her birthday party last weekend because Kadence was running a fever, then she was closed on Monday because Carson was sick too....UGH I really thought we missed out since she was home Monday and Tuesday but apparently not.
I took her temp this evening when I noticed she was starting to feel warm and it was up to 101.7 and climbing...gave her some Motrin and she's sleeping now. I really hope whatever it is passes quickly. We were supposed to go to the pumpkin patch and take pictures with Baby Bob tomorrow but I called to put that on hold until she's feeling better.
One good note, we have our appointment scheduled for the urologist. It is scheduled for October 22nd at 9am. So it's not that far away...hopefully we will learn something then!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"I be three again today?"

All in all Avery had a great day. Even thought she had to spend 3 hours at the doctor's office today. She was so funny when she woke up this morning. I was sitting in bed with her and was singing happy birthday she got a very excited look on her face and then asked "I be three again today?" This is the first year she has really grasped the concept of her birthday and getting a year older. With having her party on Saturday we tried to explain she would be three on her birthday (today) and not this past weekend (at her party.) Needless to say we spent the rest of the day assuring her that yes she is three again today.
Avery decided to wear her princess outfit again today, and she rocked it out!!Avery was already scheduled for her three year well check today but they had to do more checking to get her referral for the urologist. Luckly there is one in town that specializes in renal and urology so we are waiting for our appointment to be scheduled. She was such a trooper, I would have run screaming from the room after being cooped up for that long but she managed to entertain herself the whole time. Granted a lot of her entertainment came from the fact that they had her get into a paper gown that was huge...but she had a good time with it!!
We also had gymnastics today so we decided to take cupcakes to her friends in her class. Gymnastics went okay, she had a couple of lapses of attention and had a hard time focusing but she had a really busy day. She had a really great time sharing with her friends. It was so cute to see her take the cupcakes in to the gym as she says "Friends you want to share cupcakes with me?" So precious!!
After finishing gymnastics we went to grandma and grandpa's house for yet another birithday celebration. Avery is very good at blowing out the candles on birthday cakes...or in tonights case brownies. It has been such a great day. Our miracle baby is another year older and it seems like just yesterday that she was placed in our arms for the first time. I can't believe I have a three year old, and I can only look forward to all the exciting times to come!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Another day another set of "lasts"

Today has been very difficult for me. Today is the last day of Avery being 2, tomorrow we will move into big bad 3 year old status and I'm not liking that at all! It seems like just yesterday we were dealing with the fact that Ricky and I might not ever have our own biological child and here we are now having to deal with a whole new set of challanges revolving around our miracle being 3!
Avery continues to amaze me with things she does. Her speech continues to improve daily. Today marks another "last" for our family. Today was the last time Lee (our beloved speech therapist from ECI) came to the house and met with Avery. They have a love hate relationship and always kept each other on their toes but you can tell Avery really loves Lee and I think when it really sinks in that Lee isn't coming back to our house it is going to be a very sad day. Avery walked Lee out to her car once again today, then showed her gymnastics in the front yard but today was the last day for that. Wedensday she will start at "big school" with a whole new set of challanges and experiences to be had. It's bitter sweet for me because while I continue to enjoy all the new experiences I feel like my baby is slowing slipping away and becoming a big girl right before my eyes.
I made Avery promise me she will always be my baby, and she even said she would put it in writting so I could always have it.
No doubt tomorrow will be an exciting day, but a sad one at the same time (at least for mommy)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Birthday Party

Avery had a great time this weekend. She had her birthday party and she had some special surprise visitors. It's hard to believe that she's thisclose to being three years old but when asked she still maintains she is two! That's a girl for you hold on to your year as long as you can!!
Avery knew her Gogo, Papa and Grannie were going to be at her party but she was surprised when she got to her party and saw Lyn, Karen, Scott and Michelle. She LOVES Scott and Michelle and loves any time she can spend with them.
We finally got Avery to decide what kind of party she wanted, and she wanted to have a princess party. She was so funny when we were singing happy birthday, Avery sang along singing "happy birthday to Avery" precious!! She did really well blowing out the candles too, all in one breath!
After cake and presents it was outside to play with water balloons. She had so much fun with baby bobs and the water balloons...they defiantely kept grandpa busy.
We had a custom shirt made for her party and for her to wear on the Disney trip in December.
It was a great weekend. We all had a lot of fun and Avery already made out like a bandit with presents. She got several new dresses, lots of princess stuff, and a table and chairs for her room. She also seems to have picked up how this "birthday" thing works....she has figured out when we are in the stores if she tells her daddy something is for her "birthday party" then she stands a better chance of getting things.... this could lead to her having a birthday party every month!! At this rate we are really in trouble for Christmas!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

More questions than answers

First I have to apologize for not updating after we went to the doctor on Friday. We didn't get any more answers and left with more questions than anything, I was exhausted and we didn't get home until late so I just went to bed.

We got to the hospital for testing (that was supposed to confirm the diagnosis the doctor gave us on Wed.) Apparently all of Avery's labs were 180 degrees different from what they have been in the past. We were there for over 2 hours and walked out knowing nothing. The endo has no idea why during the water deprivation test Avery continued to use the restroom but she no longer thinks that it is diabetes insipidus. UGH! So frustrating. When we left the doctors office on Wed she was 98% sure this is what she had, she even gave us the prescription to go and get filled because she knew we were going to need it. (Luckly we didn't open the medication so the doctor is going to buy it back from us so we don't have to waste that money.) So when asked why Avery was still drinking all the time and going to the restroom even more the medical diagnoisis.....STRESS! Seriously! I couldn't make that up if I tried!!! What in the world can a 3 year old seriously be stressed about? I could almost understand if her routine had changed even a little but it hasn't, it's the exact same as it has been for what seems like forever....much longer than 3-6 months. I have figured out "stress" must be the new buzz diagnois when doctors don't know the real answers.

So now what? That's what my question was too. Why even when Avery doesn't drink does she still go to the restroom all the time. No one seems to know. So now we have to go back to the primary care and get new referals (thank you HMO). Since we have already spent so much money and no one seems to think there is anything too serious (hince the reason we have to go back to get new referlas) we are going to wait to get them until Avery's 3 year check up on Tuesday. Next referals will be to the renal doctor to look at kidneys and liver and a urologist to check her bladder. Maybe someone some where will be able to give us some kind of real answers.

I'll post about Avery's birthday party tomorrow but there are pictures on Facebook if interested!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Doctor anyone?

Today was Avery's appt with the pediatric endocrinologist. It went really well and we have a ton of information. First I have to brag about how much smoother things went at the TTU MOP today. I was a little worried when I found out that is where the appt was following our last encounter there was for the ENT that was miserable! We got there, they had everything streamlined. The nurse met us and she was wonderful, she talked Avery through everything she did and really went out of her way to make all of us comfortable. The rooms had Disney movies playing for the kiddos (and parents) while waiting and it made the short wait go by even faster.

Dr. Dremaine was also wonderful. She actually took the time to talk with us and explain everything. She made sure any questions we had were answered and she even took time to walk us to the front check out and try and get us an earlier appt for Avery's follow up testing. She explained the follow up testing, what they were going to be looking for, what they were going to do, everything. She gave us a prescription for a hormone that we had to go and pick up to bring with us to the testing on Friday. We have a new insurance that I know NOTHING about and she took the time to give me her personal cell phone and told me to call her if the insurance company wouldn't cover the medication.

So we go back on Friday for more testing. Avery gets to go through the night like normal (thank goodness) She will have to get up a little earlier on Friday but she gets to eat breakfast. Then we have to be back at the hospital at 8am to start her testing. They will do inital blood and urine tests then the pain more water! This is going to be really tough on all of us, but we are hoping since she's so little that it will show quickly in her labwork any changes. Dr. Dremaine said what we are looking for is no change in her output even though she has stopped drinking, ultimately this would make her dehydrate. At that point they will give her the medication and keep fingers crossed that it works and makes her stop going potty all the time. That would be the best case scenario because that means she does have diabetes insipidus and it's the type that can be managed with medication.

If it does work like Dr. Dremaine thinks it will then Avery will have to have a MRI to see what has caused this. What is known is there is some kind of damage to the pituitary glad but the question is what kind of damage. The one concern Dr. Dremaine has is why did this on set so fast and sudden but that is all to be determined.

So what does all of this mean???? More wait and least until Friday!!!

And just for fun....a picture of Miss Priss today!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Busy, busy day!

I went to Avery's ARD today. She is going to start speech 2 times per week for an hour each time. There are concerns over several areas of her speech and what we are able to understand. She has 3 main goals for the next year, then we will evaluate and see what the plans are after that. The speech pathologist seems to think she could be in the program until she starts kindy but her current therapist feels like if she actually gets motivated and starts putting in the effort she could be done much sooner than that.
Avery had speech with Lee today. Next week is the last time we will have speech at our house, and as I have said before Lee has become a part of our family and we will really miss her alot. Avery didn't really put much effort into speech today but she had a good time playing with Lee.
After that we rushed to gymnastics. I'm not sure who planned gymnastics at 5:30pm after 4:00 speech but we made it! Avery worked really hard at the gym today. Her coaches worked on teaching her how to kick into a full handstand from a donkey kick.
She has to work on doing dips into kicks while holding the hula hoop over her head....doesn't sound to difficult until you notice she's the same height as the hula hoop!! LOL!! She made it work like a champ, and it's one of her favorite things to do.
At the end of class the kids get stamps to show they did well, Avery was so excited about her stamps today because they are gmynastics girls.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Beating mommy at memory.

Starting off with today's picture of the bruising. As with most injuries it looks worse as it is getting better. Today she has 2 black eyes and it is spreading outwards but the darkest areas are starting to turn green so that's a good sign.
We have played the game Memory with Avery a few times but it has always been a modified version. It started with all the cards facing up and looking for matches, then one of the cards was up and the other was down...this time we put out about half of the cards but they were all face down. Avery did really well for the most part. She did try several times to flip over one card then flip several others until she made a match but she eventually started to figure it out and started playing more by the real rules...she's really good...either that or my mind is starting to slip now that I'm in my 30's! (No comments are needed family!)
Making sure her cards match.

Looking for more matches.

Showing off her new Cinderella shirt that she got in the mail today. She also got a really great card from her cousin Michelle, that included a princess picture personally colored for her, along with a great card that we had to read about a million and twelve times!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Daniel (our 8 year old nephew) has started playing football this year. He is #58 and last week was his first was MISERABLE! Not only was the game bad but it was cold, wet, and windy...this game was a complete 180. It was warm and the guys did a lot better.
Avery still isn't sure what to think about the games but she really likes getting to spend the extra time with Alyssa!

Avery seems to be like most siblings at sporting events finding it more entertaining to play with all the other siblings instead of watching the game. I do have to give her credit she did watch the first quarter before making her break! She had a good time playing with the umbrella.

After the game we went back to grandma and grandpa's house. I took the time to snap some pictures of Avery...not that I really need an excuse I'm always snapping pictures of her, but this time she kind of cooperated with me!

Avery ended up with a couple of black eyes today following her fight with the bed yesterday but she seems to be doing okay.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Battle with the bed

Avery spent the night with her cousin at grandma and grandpa's last night and apparently at some point she decided to fight with the bed...well the bed won! She has a big scratch and knot between her eyes and a bruise that goes all the way above her eyebrow!
But she's a tough one and she didn't let it slow her down.
She spent the afternoon playing with grandma in the front yard. The weather has been really nice and Avery loves for people to play with her hair. Needless to say she took full advantage of the fact that grandma was feeling terrible about her getting hurt while spending the night!!

We all headed to Becca and Brandon's for the TTU/UT game, it was so much fun! Brandon cooked and it was delicious, I think I managed to gain all the weight I have lost back tonight. Lots of yelling and screaming, Avery got a chance to play with Yaya (Sarah) and a couple other kiddos. We are all exhuasted and ready to pass out but today was a really great day!!

Just one more picture from today, because I think it's really cute! (Not that I'm biased)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Anything you can do...

We all know Avery LOVES her older cousin Aly...but tonight they couldn't be seperated. Everything Aly did Avery had to do too, anywhere Aly went Avery had to go too...they were too funny. Needless to say they had a really good time. Aly even managed to convince Avery that she wanted to spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa's with her tonight.
We'll see how that goes.

I mean really...what else needs to be said???

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Speech, a dietician and a birthday present??

Today was a really busy day for Avery. She came home from Nicole's house and there was a large present waiting for her in the living room. We are part of a wonderful group of moms and kiddos who were all born the end of September 2006, and it's that time again...birthdays! This year Avery was matched up with Jordyn...she's really getting the hang of opening presents.
A new shirt, that says "I love gymnastics" what could be more true??

And a Shrek golf game...too much fun!!!

Not too much later was the meeting with the dietician and speech therapist. The dietician said Avery seems to be doing pretty well and she is still on her curve for height and weight. She's right around the 50% so that's actually an improvment for her! She has hit a little growth spurt and she's finally up to the 50% for height. She was almost 35 inchecs and almost 29.5 pounds. We are supposed to add a multi vitamin that includes iron to see if that will help with the being tired all the time and the sudden bruising that has started showing up on her legs.

Speech went great. Avery did really well and she and Lee didn't have to fight at all! Lee has become like a part of our family and we are really going to miss her in a few weeks when Avery makes the big switch to the big school! Avery is still working on her sounds but she is doing much better. She knows the routine and can make most of the sounds they have worked on when she wants too but we all know how stubborn she can me (not sure where that came from...must be the Martinez side of the family)

Lee was getting ready to leave and was actually going to be easy on Avery and not give her "homework" but Avery asked her where it was. Her homework for the week is to work on saying full sentences like :"I want red." "It is on my head." etc. They all end with the "d" sound that she has been working on.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"I forgot my baby sister"

Avery and her baby sister.
Today was actually a pretty mellow day. No doctor's appts, no speech or gymnastics just a nice relaxing day. Avery's grandpa gave her money to go out to eat and lucky she didn't pick Sonic! We went to eat and of course "baby sister" had to go with us. We were getting ready to leave, all at the car when Avery realized she didn't have baby sister!

Here speech is really starting to improve but it still amazes me that she has actual converstations. She was upset because she forgot baby sister. So she pleads with her daddy to go and get her. (I had already picked her up and she was in the front seat.) He was busy so she then started to cry that she left her baby sister. When I told her I wasn't going to take her back in to get baby sister the following conversation took place:

Me: We are not going back in for baby sister. Turn and sit in your seat so we can go.

Avery: (starting to cry) That makes me sad.

Me: I already picked her up and she is in the front seat. Now please turn around and sit so we can go home.

Avery: You already got my baby sister.

Me: Yes, now sit.

Avery: (finally turning to sit and buckle) That makes me happy, I not sad any more.

Me: I'm glad you're not sad any more.

The most amazing part....I could actually understand what she was saying! This is a huge step!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Avery had gymnastics today. She is finally getting into the routine of her new class. This is her first session in the older kids class and she is by far the baby in the group.
Both of the other kids in her class are 4 already.
Stretching with the other girls in her class, we are really lucky that Avery is in such a small class. It allows for more one on one and it seems to be helping her to get into the routine of being in the older class. She's a lot smaller than the other girls in her class but don't let her size fool you!
Strong arms, practicing holding herself over the bar.
Straddle jumps over the of the new skills she learned today.

Monkey much! She loves hanging upside down!

Newest skill: backbends. Today was the first day of trying a backbend...needless to say her teachers were pleased!!

Starting out

It has come to my attention that there are several people who are going through withdrarwl when it comes to seeing Avery. Since we aren't traveling back to the DFW area as often I thought a blog would be a great way to keep everyone up to date on what she is up too in Lubbock.

There are lots of changes that are about to happen through out the next couple of months in Avery's routine. For the past several months she has had speech therapy at our house one on one and it has been wonderful. She is about to bump out of the ECI program and into the 3-5 year old program meaning she will start going to speech twice a week at the early childhood school close to our house. She has also bumped into the next group for her gymnastics and while she is doing well it has lead to lots of changes.

We are still waiting to get into the specialist to see if they can let us know what is going on with Miss Priss but she seems to be adapting to everything and taking it in stride.

I am going to try and up date daily in the evenings so we'll see how it goes!!